Thursday, March 18, 2010

Muslim Minister imposes Islamic Shariah on Indian Railways. He should be kicked out
January 2nd, 2010 | 59 Comments | Posted in Great Hindu

ahmedUnion Minister of State for Railways E Ahmed should be kicked out of his portfolio.

A cultural Taliban in secular India

The anti-Hindu ways of Ahmed were very well known in Kerala even before he became the Union Minister of State for Railways. After becoming the Union Minister of State for Railways, he is functioning like a Mughal chieftain. Many organisations like the Vishwa Hindu
Parishad have already publicly condemned this Hindu-hating Minister for having issued instructions to Railways officers not to do Ganesha Puja, breaking of coconut, etc before starting of new trains, inauguration of tracks, bridges, etc. He has banned lighting of traditional oil lamps during inaugurations. Likewise, garlanding of
trains, anointing them with sandal paste, sindoor, etc. have also been banned. Railway stations have been discouraged against doing puja to electronic panels etc. during ‘Vijayadasami’ and ‘Durga puja’.

He has ordered the closure of temples in Railway compounds and is planning their demolition. This anti-Hindu move of Ahmed has caused deep religious resentment and intense anger among the 25 lakh strong railway staff and Hindus at large. I am presenting below the shining symbols of Hinduism and Sanatana Dharma which have been
deliberately denigrated by Ahmed!!

Seeing the conduct and opposition of this Union Minister to the lighting of Kuthuvilakkuat a public function in Chennai, I am reminded of this savage manner in which the Talibans of Afghanistan destroyed the two 6th century statues of standing Buddhas carved into the side of a cliff in the Bamyan valley in the Hazarajat region of Central Afghanistan.

– V. Sundaram

from S. Kalyanaraman
date Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 4:29 PM
subject A cultural Taliban in secular India

V Sundaram | Fri, 01 Jan, 2010 , 02:37 PM

I proudly assert my inalienable, indivisible, immutable, and
inexorable constitutional right to be a practicing Hindu. Yet, seeing
the conduct of E Ahmed, Union Minister of State for Railways, at a
recent public function organised by the Indo-Japan Chamber of Commerce
and Industry in Chennai, I am constrained to raise these questions.
Are we living in Islamic Pakistan? Are we living in Islamic
Bangladesh? Or are we living in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan? Let me
move from this macrocosm to the microcosm. Are we living in the
Muslim-majority Malappuram District in Kerala, rightly described by
some journalists as a mini-Pakistan in India?

I am raising these issues because the Union Minister of State for
Railways, Ahmedwho recently participated at a public seminar on
‘Status of Infrastructure’, organized by the Indo- Japan Chamber of
Commerce and Industry in Chennai refused to light the Kuthuvilakku as
a traditional and well-established part of the inaugural ceremony. The
Union Minister caught the other dignitaries and the organisers of the
function off guard when he declined to accept the candle offered to
him to light thekuthuvilakku on the podium. It is reliably understood
that one of the organisers told the press that the Minister refused to
light the lamp because it is an un-Islamic action. It is understood
that the Minister told some of the helpless and totally clueless
organizers; ‘The Muslim community does not light lamps. It is against
Shariah, the code which governs Islam’.

I understand that some time back, P K Kunha-likutty, a Muslim League
leader who was Kerala’s Industries Minister, courted controversy when
he refused to light the lamp while inaugurating a state function at
Thiruvanan-thapuram. The famous playback singer K J Yesudas who was
also one of the guests at the same function, walked out protesting
against it.

The Cheraman Mosque, Kodungallur in Kerala has an ancient oil lamp
which always burns and whichis believed to be more than a thousand
years old.Every day people of all religions bring oil for the lamp as
offering. This is one of the few mosques in Kerala which allow entry
for people of other religions. In recent years, the mosque has
observed vidyarambham, a Hindu initiation ritual marking the beginning
of a child’s learning. I am mentioning this so that Union Minister E
Ahmedcan use his authority for getting a fatwa issued against the
managers of this ancient Mosque for violating the tenets of Islam!!

The anti-Hindu ways of Ahmed were very well known in Kerala even
before he became the Union Minister of State for Railways. After
becoming the Union Minister of State for Railways, he is functioning
like a Mughal chieftain. Many organisations like the Vishwa Hindu
Parishad have already publicly condemned this Hindu-hating Minister
for having issued instructions to Railways officers not to doGanesha
Puja, breaking of coconut, etc before starting of new trains,
inauguration of tracks, bridges, etc. He has banned lighting of
traditional oil lamps during inaugurations. Likewise, garlanding of
trains, anointing them with sandal paste, sindoor, etc. have also been
banned. Railway stations have been discouraged against doing puja to
electronic panels etc. during ‘Vijayadasami’ and ‘Durga puja’.

Finally, he has ordered the closure of temples in Railway compounds
and is planning their demolition. This anti-Hindu move of Ahmed has
caused deep religious resentment and intense anger among the 25 lakh
strong railway staff and Hindus at large. I am presenting below the
shining symbols of Hinduism and Sanatana Dharma which have been
deliberately denigrated by Ahmed!!
Garlanding of Railway Trains disapproved!
Symbols disapproved by Ahmed!!!

While crores are being spent on ‘Haj’ even basic amenities are not
being provided to the eight crore plus Sabarimala pilgrims, by the
Indian Railways. These Hindu pilgrim are treated as stateless persons
by the Ministry of Railways! VHP leader Kummanam Rajasekharan has
described this anti-Hindu attitude of this despicable anti-Hindu Union
Minister as a threat and challenge to Hinduism. He has rightly charged
E Ahmed of communalising a national asset like Railways. He called for
immediate restoration of the withdrawn ancient Indian customs and
traditions, failing which RSS and VHP will launch nationwide massive
agitations. I spoke to a very important VHP leader from Kerala to know
more about the blatently anti-Hindu ways of E Ahmed. He said: ‘What
more can be expected from Ahmed whose close relative is a jehadi
suspect in the Bengaluru blasts and who is hiding in Gulf, thanks to
Ahmed and the UPA Government!’

Seeing the conduct and opposition of this Union Minister to the
lighting of Kuthuvilakkuat a public function in Chennai, I am reminded
of this savage manner in which the Talibans of Afghanistan destroyed
the two 6th century statues of standing Buddhas carved into the side
of a cliff in the Bamyan valley in the Hazarajat region of Central

I am presenting below the photograph of President of India FAKHRUDDIN
ALI AHMED lighting a Kuthuvilakku while inaugurating Paraplegic
Rehabilitation Centre in 1974.
President FAKHRUDDIN ALI AHMED lighting a Kuthuvilakku in 1974

I am presenting below another picture relating to the lighting of
aKuthuvilakku by Minister for Health & Medical Education, Mian Altaf
Ahmad lighting the lamp on 6th Annual Dental Conference on Sunday.
Agriculture Minister, Ch Mohammad Ramzan is also seen in the picture.
The Minister for Health & Medical Education, Mian Altaf Ahmad lighting
the lamp at 6th Annual Dental Conference. Agriculture Minister,
Mohammad Ramzan is also seen in the picture

Finally, I would like to conclude this story by giving a photograph of
President Obama lighting a Kuthuvilakku in the United States of
America in the august presence of a Hindu Swami in Ochre robes.
President Obama lighting a Kuthuvilakku

Ahmed once spoke about the Bombay blasts of November 2008, he took
special care to avoid any reference to the fact that a Jewish Rabbi
and his wife were also killed by his beloved Islamic terrorists from

(The writer is a retired IAS officer)
e-mail the writer at

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