Thursday, March 18, 2010

Muslim Minister imposes Islamic Shariah on Indian Railways. He should be kicked out
January 2nd, 2010 | 59 Comments | Posted in Great Hindu

ahmedUnion Minister of State for Railways E Ahmed should be kicked out of his portfolio.

A cultural Taliban in secular India

The anti-Hindu ways of Ahmed were very well known in Kerala even before he became the Union Minister of State for Railways. After becoming the Union Minister of State for Railways, he is functioning like a Mughal chieftain. Many organisations like the Vishwa Hindu
Parishad have already publicly condemned this Hindu-hating Minister for having issued instructions to Railways officers not to do Ganesha Puja, breaking of coconut, etc before starting of new trains, inauguration of tracks, bridges, etc. He has banned lighting of traditional oil lamps during inaugurations. Likewise, garlanding of
trains, anointing them with sandal paste, sindoor, etc. have also been banned. Railway stations have been discouraged against doing puja to electronic panels etc. during ‘Vijayadasami’ and ‘Durga puja’.

He has ordered the closure of temples in Railway compounds and is planning their demolition. This anti-Hindu move of Ahmed has caused deep religious resentment and intense anger among the 25 lakh strong railway staff and Hindus at large. I am presenting below the shining symbols of Hinduism and Sanatana Dharma which have been
deliberately denigrated by Ahmed!!

Seeing the conduct and opposition of this Union Minister to the lighting of Kuthuvilakkuat a public function in Chennai, I am reminded of this savage manner in which the Talibans of Afghanistan destroyed the two 6th century statues of standing Buddhas carved into the side of a cliff in the Bamyan valley in the Hazarajat region of Central Afghanistan.

– V. Sundaram

from S. Kalyanaraman
date Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 4:29 PM
subject A cultural Taliban in secular India

V Sundaram | Fri, 01 Jan, 2010 , 02:37 PM

I proudly assert my inalienable, indivisible, immutable, and
inexorable constitutional right to be a practicing Hindu. Yet, seeing
the conduct of E Ahmed, Union Minister of State for Railways, at a
recent public function organised by the Indo-Japan Chamber of Commerce
and Industry in Chennai, I am constrained to raise these questions.
Are we living in Islamic Pakistan? Are we living in Islamic
Bangladesh? Or are we living in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan? Let me
move from this macrocosm to the microcosm. Are we living in the
Muslim-majority Malappuram District in Kerala, rightly described by
some journalists as a mini-Pakistan in India?

I am raising these issues because the Union Minister of State for
Railways, Ahmedwho recently participated at a public seminar on
‘Status of Infrastructure’, organized by the Indo- Japan Chamber of
Commerce and Industry in Chennai refused to light the Kuthuvilakku as
a traditional and well-established part of the inaugural ceremony. The
Union Minister caught the other dignitaries and the organisers of the
function off guard when he declined to accept the candle offered to
him to light thekuthuvilakku on the podium. It is reliably understood
that one of the organisers told the press that the Minister refused to
light the lamp because it is an un-Islamic action. It is understood
that the Minister told some of the helpless and totally clueless
organizers; ‘The Muslim community does not light lamps. It is against
Shariah, the code which governs Islam’.

I understand that some time back, P K Kunha-likutty, a Muslim League
leader who was Kerala’s Industries Minister, courted controversy when
he refused to light the lamp while inaugurating a state function at
Thiruvanan-thapuram. The famous playback singer K J Yesudas who was
also one of the guests at the same function, walked out protesting
against it.

The Cheraman Mosque, Kodungallur in Kerala has an ancient oil lamp
which always burns and whichis believed to be more than a thousand
years old.Every day people of all religions bring oil for the lamp as
offering. This is one of the few mosques in Kerala which allow entry
for people of other religions. In recent years, the mosque has
observed vidyarambham, a Hindu initiation ritual marking the beginning
of a child’s learning. I am mentioning this so that Union Minister E
Ahmedcan use his authority for getting a fatwa issued against the
managers of this ancient Mosque for violating the tenets of Islam!!

The anti-Hindu ways of Ahmed were very well known in Kerala even
before he became the Union Minister of State for Railways. After
becoming the Union Minister of State for Railways, he is functioning
like a Mughal chieftain. Many organisations like the Vishwa Hindu
Parishad have already publicly condemned this Hindu-hating Minister
for having issued instructions to Railways officers not to doGanesha
Puja, breaking of coconut, etc before starting of new trains,
inauguration of tracks, bridges, etc. He has banned lighting of
traditional oil lamps during inaugurations. Likewise, garlanding of
trains, anointing them with sandal paste, sindoor, etc. have also been
banned. Railway stations have been discouraged against doing puja to
electronic panels etc. during ‘Vijayadasami’ and ‘Durga puja’.

Finally, he has ordered the closure of temples in Railway compounds
and is planning their demolition. This anti-Hindu move of Ahmed has
caused deep religious resentment and intense anger among the 25 lakh
strong railway staff and Hindus at large. I am presenting below the
shining symbols of Hinduism and Sanatana Dharma which have been
deliberately denigrated by Ahmed!!
Garlanding of Railway Trains disapproved!
Symbols disapproved by Ahmed!!!

While crores are being spent on ‘Haj’ even basic amenities are not
being provided to the eight crore plus Sabarimala pilgrims, by the
Indian Railways. These Hindu pilgrim are treated as stateless persons
by the Ministry of Railways! VHP leader Kummanam Rajasekharan has
described this anti-Hindu attitude of this despicable anti-Hindu Union
Minister as a threat and challenge to Hinduism. He has rightly charged
E Ahmed of communalising a national asset like Railways. He called for
immediate restoration of the withdrawn ancient Indian customs and
traditions, failing which RSS and VHP will launch nationwide massive
agitations. I spoke to a very important VHP leader from Kerala to know
more about the blatently anti-Hindu ways of E Ahmed. He said: ‘What
more can be expected from Ahmed whose close relative is a jehadi
suspect in the Bengaluru blasts and who is hiding in Gulf, thanks to
Ahmed and the UPA Government!’

Seeing the conduct and opposition of this Union Minister to the
lighting of Kuthuvilakkuat a public function in Chennai, I am reminded
of this savage manner in which the Talibans of Afghanistan destroyed
the two 6th century statues of standing Buddhas carved into the side
of a cliff in the Bamyan valley in the Hazarajat region of Central

I am presenting below the photograph of President of India FAKHRUDDIN
ALI AHMED lighting a Kuthuvilakku while inaugurating Paraplegic
Rehabilitation Centre in 1974.
President FAKHRUDDIN ALI AHMED lighting a Kuthuvilakku in 1974

I am presenting below another picture relating to the lighting of
aKuthuvilakku by Minister for Health & Medical Education, Mian Altaf
Ahmad lighting the lamp on 6th Annual Dental Conference on Sunday.
Agriculture Minister, Ch Mohammad Ramzan is also seen in the picture.
The Minister for Health & Medical Education, Mian Altaf Ahmad lighting
the lamp at 6th Annual Dental Conference. Agriculture Minister,
Mohammad Ramzan is also seen in the picture

Finally, I would like to conclude this story by giving a photograph of
President Obama lighting a Kuthuvilakku in the United States of
America in the august presence of a Hindu Swami in Ochre robes.
President Obama lighting a Kuthuvilakku

Ahmed once spoke about the Bombay blasts of November 2008, he took
special care to avoid any reference to the fact that a Jewish Rabbi
and his wife were also killed by his beloved Islamic terrorists from

(The writer is a retired IAS officer)
e-mail the writer at

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dr.Hilda Raja's letter to N.Ram, Editor, The Hindu

Dear Ram,

I have taken time to write this to you Ram-for the simple reason that we have known you for so many years- you and The Hindu bring back happy memories Please take what I am putting down as those that come from an agonized soul. You know that I do not mince words and what I have to say I
will-I call a spade a spade-now it is too late for me to learn the tricks of being called a ‘secularist’ if that means a bias for,one, and a bias against, another.

Hussain is now a citizen of Qatar-this has generated enough of heat and less of light. Qatar you know better than me is not a country which respects democracy or freedom of expression. Hussain says he has complete freedom-I challenge him to paint a picture of Mohammed fully clad.

There is no second opinion that artists have the Right of Freedom of expression. Is such a right restricted only to Hussain? Will that right not flow to Dan Brown-why was his film-Da Vinci Code not screened? Why was Satanic Verses banned-does Salman Rushdie not have that freedom of expression? Similarly why is Taslima hunted and hounded and why fatwas have
been issued on both these writers? Why has Qatar not offered citizenship to

In the present rioting in Shimoga in Karnataka against the article Taslima wrote against the tradition of burqua which appeared in the Out Look in Jan 2007.No body protested then either in Delhi or in any other part of the country; now when it reappears in a Karnataka paper there is
rioting. Is there a political agenda to create a problem in Karnataka by the intolerant goons? Why has the media not condemned this insensitivity and intolerance of the Muslims against Taslima’s views? When it comes to the Sangh Parivar it is quick to call them goons and intolerant etc. Now who are the goons and where is this tolerance and sensitivity?

Regarding Hussain’s artistic freedom it seems to run unfettered in an expression of sexual perversion only when he envisages the Hindu Gods and Goddesses.

There is no quarrel had he painted a nude woman sitting on the tail of a monkey. The point is he captioned it as Sita. Nobody would have protested against the sexual perversion and his orientatation to sexual signs and symbols. But would he dare to caption it as ‘Fatima enjoying in Jannat with animals’?

Next example-is the painting of Saraswati copulating with a lion. Here again his perversion is evident and so is his intent. Even that lets concede cannot be faulted-each one’s sexual orientation is each one’s business I suppose. But he captioned it as Saraswati. This is the problem. It is Hussain’s business to enjoy in painting his sexual perversion. But why use Saraswati and Sita for his perverted expressions?

Use Fatima and watch the consequence. Let the media people come to his rescue then. Now that he is in a country that gives him complete freedom let him go ahead and paint Fatima copulating with a lion or any other animal of his choice. And then turn around and prove to India-the Freedom of expression he enjoys in Qatar.

Talking about Freedom of Expression-this is the Hussain who supported Emergency-painted Indira Gandhi as Durga slaying Jayaprakas Narayan. He supported the jailing of artists and writers. Where did this Freedom of Expression go? And you call him secularist? Would you support the jailing of artists and writers Ram –would you support the abeyance of the Constitution and all that we held sacred in democracy and the excessiveness of Indira Gandhi to gag the media-writers-political opponents?

Tell me honesty why does Hussain expect this Freedom when he himself did not support others with the same freedom he wants? And the media has rushed to his rescue. Had it been a Ram who painted such obnoxious,degrading painting-the reactions of the media and the elite ‘secularists’ would have been different; because there is a different
perception/and index of secularism when it comes to Ram-and a different
perception/and index of secularism when it comes to Rahim/Hussain.

It brings back to my mind an episode that happened to The Hindu some years ago.[1991]. You had a separate weekly page for children with cartoons, quizzes, and with poems and articles of school children. In one such weekly page The Hindu printed a venerable bearded man-fully robed with head dress, mouthing some passages of the Koran-trying to teach children .It was done not only in good faith but as a part of inculcating values to children from the Koran. All hell broke loose. Your office witnessed goons who rushed in-demanded an apology-held out threats. In Ambur,Vaniambadi and Vellore the papers stands were burned-the copies of The Hindu were consigned to the fire. A threat to raise the issue in Parliament through a Private Members Bill was held out-Hectic activities went on-I am not sure of the nature and the machinations behind the scene. But The Hindu next day brought out a public apology in its front page. Where were you Ram? How secular and
tolerant were the Muslims?

Well this is of the past-today it is worse because the communal temperature in this country is at a all high-even a small friction can ignite and demolition the country’s peace and harmony. It is against this background that one should view Hussain who is bent on abusing and insulting the Hindu Gods and Goddesses. Respect for religious sentiments,
need to maintain peace and harmony should also be part of the agenda of an
artist-if he is great. If it is absent then he cannot say that he respects India and express his longing for India.

Let’s face it-he is a fugitive of law. Age and religion are immaterial. What does the media want-that he be absolved by the courts? Even for that he has to appear in the courts-he cannot run away-After all this is the country where he lived and gave expression to his pervert sadist, erotic artistic mind under Freedom of Expression. I simply cannot jump into the bandwagon of the elite ‘secularist’ and uphold what he had done. With his brush he had committed jihad-bloodletting.

The issue is just not nudity-Yes the temples-the frescos in Konarak and Kajhuraho have nude figures-But does it say that they are Sita, Sarswati or any goddesses? We have the Yoni and the Phallus as sacred signs of Life-of Siva and Shakthi-take these icons to the streets, paint them -give it a caption it become vulgar. Times have changed. Even granted that our ancients sculptured and painted naked forms and figures, with a pervert
mind to demean religion is no license to repeat that in today’s changed
political and social scenario and is not a sign of secularism and tolerance.

I repeat there is no quarrel with nudity-painters have time and again found
in it the perfection of God’s hand craft.

Let me wish Hussain peace in Qatar-the totalitarian regime with zero tolerance May be he will convince the regime there to permit freedom of expression in word, writing and painting. For this he could start experimenting painting forms and figure of Mohamed the Prophet-and his family And may I fervently wish that the media-especially The Hindu does not discriminate goons-let it not substitute tolerance for intolerance when it comes to Rahim and Antony and another index for Ram.

I hope you will read this in the same spirit that I have written. All the best to you Ram.

Dr Mrs Hilda Raja,

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How Bt brinjal can kill Indian agriculture
Dr Shiv Chopra, the 75-year-old, Canada-based microbiologist and well known human rights activist, was in India recently in connection with the release of his latest book, Corrupt To The Core - Memoirs Of A Health Canada Whistleblower, which is about how corruption in government endangers public food supply.
In the last 49 years that he has been living in Canada, Chopra and other fellow scientists have waged many a battle against successive Canadian federal ministries of health and helped protect food supply. One of his major successes was the banning of the Bovine Growth Hormone in Canada and in the European Union in 1999.
According to him, the five substances that are unsafe are hormones, antibiotics, slaughterhouse waste, genetically modified organisms and pesticides.
In an interview with, Chopra talks about the frightening scenarios ahead for Indian agriculture, the dangers of GM seeds and food safety.
You have spoken at various platforms all over the world against genetically modified crops. Are they harmful to human beings, animals and other plants?
There is evidence that they are harmful. GMOs (genetically modified organisms), first of all, do not bring any benefit to either health or the economy in terms of increasing production.
Those who support use of GMO say they increase production, but they don't say that it is only because pesticides are attached to them. They kill insects which normally share some of nature's bounty.
You create seeds that are genetically dependent on some kind of pesticide and that pesticide will kill any kind of life.
For example, if you have a herbicide like Roundup, and that Roundup is owned by Monsanto, it will kill absolutely anything that is green in sight; grass, trees, plants, anything that is green and in soil. Except the crop that I want to grow, everything else will be killed.
What they do not want to tell is what has been destroyed and left in the plant. When you kill plants, on the plant there are insects, worms and nitrogen fixing bacteria; all that gets destroyed. This is happening year after year. If one herbicide stops working, they come up with another one. So, it is bad for the soil, other plants and those who consume it.
It was reported that these pesticide-herbicide injected seeds affect the nearby farms where there are no GMOs...
Yes, wind will blow seeds from one farm to another. Then, Monsanto will send their inspectors who threaten the farmers for growing their seeds when the seeds reached the farm having been blown by wind.
Then, Monsanto will say, either you pay me for using our seeds or I will take you to court. There are several such cases reported in the United States and Canada where they have taken farmers to court and ruined their lives.
Is it because these multinational companies like Monsanto are so powerful that we do not hear many scientists or politicians talking about the harmful effects of GMOs?
Absolutely! This is why I call my latest book Corrupt To The Core. It is not just Monsanto owned by Pfizer; it is only that it is the company that has the nastiest name, but there are other companies doing the same thing.
If it is harmful to flora and fauna, is it not harmful to human beings who consume these crops?
Of course, it is! But nobody asks that question. Do you think the scientists do not know this? It is because the whole thing has become so corrupt in the hands of these companies.
In my book, I quote from a speech given in Canada in 1990 by a Monsanto executive. He said, 'MNCs will soon rule the world through intellectual property rights (IPR). We can take over the White House, the Parliament of England, France, Japan and Germany, and once we do that, we will see that China and India would come along and then we can take Africa for granted.'
I quoted this from a published paper in 1990. This is precisely what has happened.
Governments are being taken over by multinationals and governments are no longer listening to people and not working in public interest.
Is India the new attraction because a majority of the population is involved in farming?
First of all, America is not run by the American people any more; it is being run by these multinational corporations.
America and the other G-8 countries are on the verge of becoming bankrupt. America is a saturated economy, owes so much money to the world and is still burning a billion dollars a day on war and there is no hope of any recovery. Naturally, their next target will be countries like India.
Why did they choose Bt brinjal to market first in India: a simple vegetable that many people do not even like?
Exactly, that is the question. Many people don't eat brinjal, children hate it. Still, why do you think brinjal was chosen to be the first Bt food crop?
This is a very calculated move on their part.
Brinjal is an unimportant vegetable but it belongs to the Solanaceae family, that also has popular vegetables like tomatoes, potatoes and chillies. The Bt gene is capable of spreading to other crops from the same family when it is being blown in the wind. This way, they contaminate the entire food and vegetable supply.
Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar and the others have already started talking about Bt sweetcorn and Bt sugarcane. Although Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh has rejected Bt brinjal for now, his colleagues are after his skin.
The prime minister has, for the first time, ordered to look at whether Bt cotton was good or bad. Why do you do it after all the fiasco? It should have been done earlier.
Why is it that the scientific community is not raising its voice against GM seeds?
There is corruption everywhere. It is no different in the US or Canada. Their jobs depend on this. Sadly, neither the media nor the scientific journals are reporting the facts.
Your name is synonymous with food safety. Is there food safety in any of the countries in the world?
Cuba will take the lead; their food is completely organic. India is a mixed bag. China is very corrupt, whether it is food or milk.
You said not only GMOs, but hormones, antibiotics, pesticides and slaughter house wastes also have to be banned. . .
Yes. The latest is the GMOs. For the last fifty years none of these products has been proven to be safe. It is the responsibility of the company to prove that they are safe because they are going to make money.
We now know that with the use of all these, not only cancer but other chronic diseases like reproductive disorders, neurological disorders, diabetes, and other new diseases have reached epidemic proportions.
Because of this, the European Union, led by Denmark, has banned three of these products (hormones, antibiotics and slaughter house wastes) entering the food supply.
But the US and Canada say they are alright. Yet, no country wants to buy Canadian beef. Australia and New Zealand now export food materials free of these five substances to the EU.
You said at a function in India that the release of Bt brinjal will be the beginning of the end of Indian agriculture. That's a scary statement. . .
But that is the truth. If you allow Bt brinjal to enter the farms in India, everything will automatically becomes Bt. Once Bt brinjal is widely grown, they do not have to introduce Bt potato, Bt chilly and Bt tomato; the Bt gene will automatically get into the food supply.
In no time, potato, tomato, chilli will contain the Bt gene and there will be no ordinary tomato or potato crop that can be grown by the farmer. Only the Bt species will thrive. Even crops like rice and maize can get contaminated.
With only Bt seeds in the farms, all the seeds needed for Indian agriculture will be owned by a private company and your thousands of varieties of, say, brinjal will automatically get wiped out. That is because you will be forced to buy only one kind of seed.
That will be the beginning of the end of Indian agriculture. Remember they are not in India to help India fight hunger; they are here to make money.
How frightening is the situation for Nature and human beings?
Very frightening! The main reason America is going bankrupt is the huge expense on healthcare. They spend 16 per cent of their GDP on healthcare. If the new bill passes, it will become 20 per cent. Americans do not live any longer than other people in the world.
The fundamental question everyone asks is, what does every living being live for? Every living being lives only for food, the rest are all luxuries. We have started depleting our agricultural sector. From 80 per cent of the Indian economy, it has become 60 per cent. Now their plan is to make it 50 per cent in ten years.
The government thinks it is a good idea as there will be more progress in the cities. But who will feed all these people?

Friday, March 5, 2010

If You Cross The North KoreanBorder Illegally You Get 12 Years Hard Labour.

If You Cross The IranianBorder Illegally You Are Detained Indefinitely.

If You Cross The AfghanBorder Illegally, You Get Shot.

If You Cross The Saudi ArabianBorder Illegally You Will Be Jailed.

If You Cross The ChineseBorder Illegally You May Never Be Heard Again.

If You Cross The VenezuelanBorder Illegally You Will Be Branded A Spy And Your Fate Will Be Sealed.

If You Cross The CubanBorder Illegally You Will Be Thrown Into Political Prison To Rot.

If You Enter Britain Illegally You Will be Arrested, Prosecuted And Sent To Prison And Deported

If You Are A Pakistani or a Bangladeshi And Illegally Cross The Indian BorderYou Get

- A Ration Card,
- Passport ( 1 or more)
- Hajj Subsidy,
- A Drivers License,
- Voter Identity Card,
- Job Reservation,
- Special Privileges,
- Credit Cards,
- Subsidized Rent Or A Loan To Buy A House,
- Free Education,
- Free Health Care,
- A Lobbyist In New Delhi ,with a ready Television Channel & group of expert human right activists.
- The right to talk about secularism, which was not heard of back home

And Ofcourse - Voting Rights!!

Even if one is jailed then - all comfort as 7 * hotel + govt. offered security ..... .... and whatever one demands ...

Hats off to the ********* in Delhi !!!!!!! !!! & pseudo secularists in society, who elect them.

We are fools who live among illegal immigrants, and proudly say We are Indians...